Sunday, May 27, 2007

Well good weak for the most part. Kids are still in one peace. Put together there pre school portfolios seam happy with them. I still have to do Nathen's baby book, but have to wait on buying more photo paper.

Niki and the kids came over for the night. That was fun. I hope they have as much fun here as we have with them here. Always worry they are going to get board. Really do like having them around. And have to get brave and head out to there place more. Probably think I am avoiding it, but really I am just lazy when it comes to the drive.

Oh and They brought the coolest craft. the boys loved it. I'll have to take pics. there are really neat little wooden toys.

So no fireworks, but a good weak. Just hope it is my allergy's making me sick rite now and not a cold. I hate to make them sick.

1 comment:

Niki said...

We so don't get bored - we have a ton of fun at your place :).