Wednesday, March 26, 2008

End Of the Gyro Saga

So Easter Morning we did our egg thing and hunted for baskets. Made cookies the hole Easter thing. As I Made Breakfast I noticed a bad smell by the figured. Gyro had peed on my counter top. On some important papers and the boys art work there. Yuck.

So I rubbed his nose in it. (yes, I know that doesn't work on cats, but I really more wanted to brake his neck.) I had restraint I think. When I let Gizmo out to potty. Gyro ran out. I let him stay outside while I cooled off and then asked him to come in. He would run away every time. Finlay night came and he still wouldn't' come it so we let him stay out. We haven't seen him sense then. We are told my our neighbors girl he was in there yard, but I don't know. I think if he was near he would respond when we call him like he has done before. Their is another black and white cat the romeos this neighborhood so she may be mistaken. We had an appointment this weak for the vet, but with him missing I guess that is to little to late.

Not to upset he is gone. Nice not to have pee on out things, just wish I could be certain he is in a safe and happy place. Maybe he will still come home. Don't know after three days it is hard to believe he will.

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