Saturday, April 19, 2008

Gardening indoors

So today it was snowing, the kids are sick and there is no place to go. So, we decided to get
down and dirty

So on top of pretty flowers. The Boys planted Tomatoes, peppers, and onions along with loads of spices. All to grow indoors tell weather allows them to go out. It was great fun and a great mess.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Spring is in the Air

It is most certainly just about summer, the days a re getting longer, I am getting antsy to be out side, and we are having our seasonal run of illness. Never seams to fail that once everything is thawed so are the germs. Seven days more of taking terns sick. I am feeling better and so is Nathen, but it is Trevor's tern with a sore throut. I just hope Devon takes his tern soon before our vacation.

So driving on we are still getting the garden ready. An I am looking so forward to the our vacation at the end of the month here at the Great Wolf Lodge we can really use a brake. And it will also mark the end of my working days tell I fined a new time consuming project.

So if I don't jump out of my skin before then. All will be good.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

The Job is done

Gyro has been fixed. The house has been sprayed and we got a secant self cleaning litter box. At this point if he keeps peeing on our stuff we did all we could to stop it. I have a number to a pet shelter that will fined him a good home. And not put his life in jeopardy if it takes time. So now all I can do is wait and see if our efforts are going to work. I hope they do. Even with my allergies I still love the little guy. And the boys would be crushed. They put on a good show last time he ran away, but took out there feelings on other things. Just don't want to put them threw that.