Saturday, April 05, 2008

The Job is done

Gyro has been fixed. The house has been sprayed and we got a secant self cleaning litter box. At this point if he keeps peeing on our stuff we did all we could to stop it. I have a number to a pet shelter that will fined him a good home. And not put his life in jeopardy if it takes time. So now all I can do is wait and see if our efforts are going to work. I hope they do. Even with my allergies I still love the little guy. And the boys would be crushed. They put on a good show last time he ran away, but took out there feelings on other things. Just don't want to put them threw that.


Unknown said...

You are way more patient than I am. You're such a sweet soul!

The Mama said...

Oh man, I hope it works. We had a male cat that peed out of the box and no amount of working on things would stop him. We got him fixed, we had him checked for UTI's we did everything we could. We finally locked him in the bathroom with a litter pan until a new home could be found. I advertised him on Craigslist as a cat that would be good outdoors only, like on a farm. Luckily after about 3 weeks a real cowboy called and wanted him and now our big orange cat now lives in a horse barn, laying in the sun and killing mice without anyone caring where he pees!!