Monday, June 04, 2007

Emergency Room

<------- Nathens mended Noggen---

Last night while getting ready for bed Nathen slipped in the bathroom and smashed his head on the corner of the door. I rushed the boys out of the tub, but with James home he sent me and Nathen to the hospital and put the boys to bed.

I have to admit I was glad James was there for the initial shock. All I saw was blood and my breath leaving my body. Filled with gilt for letting this happen I sat in the emergency room waiting for them to see us. Nathen was great. Other then not wanting me to wipe the blood from his head he was happy as can be and playing with all the other injured patients waiting. (Who strangely were all there for there own reason, but lived on the same street as one another)

So to let u know after three hours Nathens head was glued together and he is fine. I am a very tired Mom and doing my best today not to be grumpy and short with the kids.

Oddly mostly mad at myself and James. Me for letting my baby get hurt and at James for doing nothing while I was at the hospital. He put the boys to bed and sat and plaid his game, So when I came home wanting to put Nathen to bed and relax with him. I instead had to put away dinner, run the dish washer, clean the blood from the bathroom were Nathen got hurt and straiten up the living room so it would be clean in the morning when Tami drops of Shelby. Instead of relaxing with James he had to pack his bag for work and make his lunch. I get so tired of being the only one who takes care of the house. At lease we are all in good health for the most part.


Unknown said...

Huggins. I hope you let himknow how you feel.

I am glad Mr Nathan is ok.

Niki said...

Poor kid. Poor you, too. That sounds downright shit-tastic, to have to deal with the household stuff after all that.