Thursday, March 24, 2005

Wasting time

I should be out side playing with my kids, but I am here typing away. It is like a drug. Once I am on the computer I just can't seem to get myself off. I make up stuff to do. Like type stupid things no one else is interested in.
Things have been going good really. Morning sickness is gone. Yah!!!! My Melaleuca business is taking off. Really been fun doing it with my friend Heather and sister. I also really like the other women I am meeting. It has made me come out of my shell a little. I feel more usefully and as long as I can keep up the pass I hope to have all debt paid of at the end of the year and the boys school taken care of. Fun I know. I just want to be able to get a second car in good conscience that we have the money for it. This one car thing is not good. And James promise to get a second car is well going on four years now. Good thing I didn't' hold my breath.

1 comment:

The Judge said...

Sometimes I run out of things to do on the internet and I just stare at it and wait for it to entertain me. Like I don't know what to do if I have nothing to search for on the web.
