Saturday, January 29, 2005

Putting Things Off

Truly a learned art form from high school or probably sooner. Putting things off is a grate thing I enjoy. It is wonderfull finding new things "Such as Blogging" to do instead of what I need to do. I should be making dinner for my kids... Poor things. I haven't cook a dinner in three days. Thank goodness for fast food, but I guess today I will have to give in if I don't want my kids to be chunky monkeys. So, today I cleaned my house in order to avoid making a phone call do make a doctor appointments. I hate meeting new doctors. I am going to have to or I will cetch hell from my mother in law, but mmm Monday will do fine for that.

Yes I fall in to the dreaded Hat the mother-in-law group. But I don't think I am alone when it comes to not liking this women. She is just mean some times and has to have everything her way. OK before I get mean I will stop new subject.

I would like to say thinks to Michelle for letting me get preachy on with her a little today. I know I can go ever board, but it helped me put a few thing in perspective to verbalize some of it. So thanks.
well I got to make dinner :P Lilo and Stich is almost over so I will be in demand soon. Got to love medicating my kids with TV just to get a brake.


Michelle said...

Thanks for listening to me belly ache. I feel better now. BABY STEPS! ::: what about Bob:::: I think we have to look at everything objectivly inorder not to get sucked into the drama. Ever come to a conclusion of the Nemo sandles with Trevor or did Big Daddy James handle this one?

Marie said...

Daddy saved the day. I jsut stay away when I have the cahnce. Saves the insanity for another day