Thursday, June 05, 2008

Redheaded Step-child

This is how our local YMCA has been treating us. They holler when we "break" new rules no one bothered to tell us about. Like no flippers during free time. Always complain about the extra staff they need for "us." Witch totals to one extra life guard and two staff in the gym. We volunteer our time and fill all other needs. This program has been going for over ten years and yesterday at noon they booted us like we were trash.

Without a word to us they changed our M/W class to M/F. So that they can buss in the public school kids on there half days. We are loosing half out family's because they waited so long to tell us. Most of us have a Friday Coop we love and already obligate and paid dues for the up coming year. Personally it will work out better in the long run for us to stay with the Y and mover our group date with a smaller number of mom's. But it saddens me how many of my friends and the boy's friends will not be back next year because they choose to accommodate the public school over us. They not only will have to buss these kids in, but will have to hire more stuff to watch these kids. I secretly (or maybe not so secret) hope this is a total flop for the Y. They handled it all very poorly and left many with no choice but to leave. Just isn't right.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

OMG How I hear you! Our Y did this with homeschool PE (changing the program without telling us) and treating us like we were a pain in the butt hey had to suffer. It's weird because the Family program director is completely awesome, gets homeschooling (shout out to Kim Robison) and is very caring. The aquatics director is NOT that way and has been a big jerk--a BIG jerk. So we're left with a very odd set of homeschool programs, depending on which class falls under which director.

Niki said...

That sucks and is so unfair. You guys are probably way better to the Y than the school kids are, anyway, in terms of community. What asses.